Cherry Class Year 3

Welcome to Cherry Class from Miss Weygang  

Our teaching partners are Miss Brint and Mrs Thumwood

Our theme this term is ...  

The Romans


During the Summer Term, Cherry Class will be immersed into their new theme 'The Romans', with history as our driver. As a class, we will discover new, exciting information about the Romans including food, jobs, clothes and entertainment. The children will use their new knowledge about the Romans to create a Roman mosaic and use clay to create a volcano. To spark engagement in the classroom, mysterious objects or sounds will regularly appear in our 'Curiosity Corner' to help us to unveil new interesting facts and objects. What will we discover in the coming weeks?

Our Classroom:
For an overview of our learning this term, please read the parent overview below:
Things to remember:
  • Cherry Class PE days are Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor). The children are welcome to bring some warmer clothes for outdoor PE. We are doing Dance and Tag Rugby this term. 
  • Children need to read with an adult at least 3x a week and record this on 'boomhub'. You will be provided with a login for this and it will be checked every Thursday. If your child has finished their reading book, they need to tell the class teacher who will allow them to go to the library to select a new one.
  • Children should access Times Table Rock Stars at least 1x a week on the following link: Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (
The Romans theme homework this term:
To support our theme, we will be reading ‘The Romans' by Marcia Williams. This book features a gladiator dormouse called Dormeo who tells all about his guide to Ancient Rome. He'll take you on a tour of Rome's most famous moments and most colourful characters - from the temperamental gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus to the wolf-raised Romulus and Remus, from the birth of the Roman Republic to the death of Julius Caesar. On the way are fascinating glimpses of life as a Roman citizen, from families to festivals, gladiators to guards, as well as a look at some of Rome’s best-known emperors (good and not so good). We will be unpicking this text in our reading sessions, where we will complete written tasks using our VIPERS skills.
Later in the term, we will also be reading ‘Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit. This book is Tranio, the son of an actor, and his friend Livia, the baker's daughter, in the witnessing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD.