Remote & Blended Learning

Key information:
*Children's education remains compulsory and children are expected to attend online sessions.
*Children are expected to register twice a day. More information on this is available by signing into your child's VLE account.
*Children will be expected to complete work set for them by their class teacher.
*Teachers will be supporting your child's learning via VLE messaging and Zoom calling.
My child can't sign into the VLE or Zoom call. What do I do?
If your child can't sign into the VLE, please inform your class teacher during the morning registration. Your teacher will then arrange to have your password reset. If your child can't sign into the Zoom call, please inform your class teacher via VLE messaging prior to morning registration. Your teacher will be happy to re-send you the log in details. If you can't access the VLE OR the Zoom call, please contact the school office.
I can't find the work that has been set for me. What do I do?
As a school, we have several ways to help you with locating your child's work. Firstly, make your teacher aware of your problem. They will be able to help you locate your work. You can also watch the video for VLE, available on this page. Finally, you can use the helpful documentation that is also available on this page.
'How To' Guidance
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