Cedar Class Year 5

Welcome to Cedar Class
Summer Term!
Our theme this term is: Cocoa Loco
Summer Term! 
Our theme this term is: Cocoa Loco
If you are interested in extra reading check out the following websites and and embedded videos: 
These are the books we will be reading:
The Chocolate Tree by Linda Lowery and Richard Keep
The Hero Twins by Dan Jolley and David Witt
Rain Player by David Wisniewski
Why were Maya games so deadly? A question of history.
During this term we will be investigating whether the Ancient Maya was an advanced civilisation by comparing it to the UK at the same period. We will use the books above to investigate this in reading and through writing myths, explanation texts and newspaper reports we will discover further aspects to help us answer the question. We will explore through the use of artefacts and sources to better understand how the Ancient Maya lived and to learn how historians make sense of what they discover. 





















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Key Information
Cedar Class will continue to have 2 PE lessons per week. These will take place on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please ensure that your child's PE kit is named and in school at all times. This summer term we will be doing gymnastics and dance in our indoor lesson and athletics and cricket in our outdoor lessons.
Children are expected to be reading at home at least 3 times per week to support their learning. Please update Boomhub regularly as reading scores will be collated every Thursday. If you're having any problems with the app, please let us know.
Times tables
Children are encouraged to continue using Times Table Rockstar's to practice their times tables each week. They will also be completing one of our 21 Facts activities each morning to support their understanding not only of their times tables, but their relationships between number facts. This will take place during registration.
Purple Mash
All children should now have a purple mash log in. Please speak to Mr. Francis if you don't. 
Throughout the term work may be set on there to support the children's learning. This is not compulsory but will be beneficial to support the learning done in class. This is also a good tool for additional research and creating some of the theme homework.